Welcome to Interscope Pathology Medical Group (IMPG)

IPMG specializes in providing accurate, rapid and personalized anatomic pathology and cytopathology services. We provide two methods of cytology testing giving our clients the freedom to choose. Biopsy report is available to our clients within one business day. In addition, we perform CT/GC screening from the liquid pap vials. We specialize in Immunohistochemistry testing, fine needle aspiration interpretation and CLO testing.
For Surgi-centers we offer courier transport of your frozen section specimens with rapid turn around time.
At IPMG quality begins at the door - your door - with timely and flexible pick up by our own knowledgeable, friendly couriers. Each specimen we receive is given the same prompt, personal consideration giving you our client the timely evaluation you need.
Quick Support
Our hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Tel: (818) 992-7848
Company Brochure
Interscope Pathology has been serving physicians and their patients in the Los Angeles area since 1975. We are committed to you and your patients, and we understand that when making a choice about what laboratory to use, accuracy, turn-around time and accessibility to a pathologist for consultation is imperative...